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Reflections on the survey report
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A Survey of Singaporeans’ Opinions on a Boy-girl Relationship

Attitudes towards living together before getting married

Through this survey project, I find that people's opinions on boy-girl relationship keep changing, and the trends tend to be more open-minded and tolerate. what is more, Singaporeans have similar opinions on boy-girl relationship as Chinese.While conducting this project, I really have relised the importance of teamwork. In order to do a good job, everyone in the team should try their best and help each other. Also, we should divide job according to the individual personality and strength. What I found most difficult is reformulating questions in a short time when the interviewees do not understand my questions. And it is not very easy to draw a conclusion from the results of only 20 interviewees’ feedbacks. My advise for students next year is that choose a good topic and you had better not do you survey on buses or in subways. If a similar study could be done with more interviewees, it could give a better picture of Singaporeans’ opinions.

Opinions on who to pay the money when going out with boyfriends or girlfriends